
Sustainability Strategy


The radical changes currently taking place in the economy and the markets, in the environment and in society have led to the need for new sustainable and circular business models to be designed and developed, based on highly innovative strategies, products and company organisations to render sustainability and circularity a real business opportunity.

Preserving our roots and our DNA is the starting point for facing the challenges of the future, guaranteeing technological excellence, developing innovation and keeping the business competitive in the long term, being convinced that the transparency of information that generates trust, what we call TRUSTPARENCY®, represents an essential element to generate value and guarantee safety and sustainability.


The way of doing business, guided by a clear and distinctive strategic vision right from the very start: to guarantee the safety of people, products, businesses and supply chains through an ecosystem of technologies. All this by integrating sustainability principles into its growth strategy, which has become a point of reference for guiding development.


Material topicsGoals and actionsSDGs Sustainable
Development Goals
CO2 emissions and climate changeDevelopment of a model for calculating the Group’s Scope 3 GHG emissions
Transition and increase in the share of energy deriving from renewable energy sources through the stipulation of contracts with Guarantee of Origin
Sustainability Strategy [31] - Antares Vision Group13.2 Integrate climate change measures into policies,
Energy consumption and energy efficiencyEnergy efficiency mapping and plan and definition of targets for all of the Group’s Italian companies
Identify an ESG Champion for each Group company location to identify areas for improvement to reduce energy consumption and ideas for improvement
Raising awareness and training of Group employees on energy saving
Mapping of the Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) of the data centres used throughout Italy through the involvement of the suppliers
Sustainability Strategy [32] - Antares Vision Group
7.3 Double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency by 2030.
Responsible use of natural resourcesLaunch of the Separate Waste Collection project at the headquarters (Travagliato) and extension through the ESG Champions of projects to increase separate waste collection at all Group locations

Definition of a plan to extend ISO 14001 certification to all Italian Group companies

Sustainability Strategy [33] - Antares Vision Group
12.2 Achieve sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources.

12.5 By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse
Human resources:
Employment and training
Create tools (company intranet) and internal communication policies to improve employee engagement, with a particular focus on ESG issues

Promotion of initiatives to encourage work-life balance at Group level

Sustainability Strategy [34] - Antares Vision Group

Sustainability Strategy [35] - Antares Vision Group

8.6 Reduce the share of unemployed young people

4.4 Increase the number of young people and adults with specific skills, including technical and professional skills
Human resources:
Diversity Equity
Dissemination of the Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Human Rights Policies to all Group companies

Define a roadmap for obtaining UNI PdR 125 Gender Equality Certification
Sustainability Strategy [36] - Antares Vision Group5.55 Guarantee full and effective female participation and equal leadership opportunities at all decision-making levels.
Occupational health and safetyAchievement of the second step of the Workplace Health Promotion project – WHP (Antares Vision S.p.A. headquarters in Travagliato)Sustainability Strategy [34] - Antares Vision Group
8.8 Protect the right to work and promote a safe and healthy working environment for all workers
Product quality / Customer health and safetyCreation of a system at Group level to collect data on the number of complaints with a request for compensation and the related amount with a view to understanding the root causes of such complaints, so as to reduce the social impact of product defects and improve economic performanceSustainability Strategy [34] - Antares Vision Group8.3 Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, the creation of decent jobs and entre-preneurship.
Environmental and social impact of products / servicesCreate a system for identifying and measuring the social and environmental impacts of the products offered by Antares (Pharma)Sustainability Strategy [33] - Antares Vision Group12.2 Achieve sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources

12.3 Halve global food waste per capita at retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses

12.4 Achieve eco-friendly management of chemicals and all waste during their entire life cycle and significantly reduce their release into the air, water and soil to minimise their negative impact on human health and the environment

12.5 By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse
Product marketing and complianceDefine a Policy and constant monitoring of marketing communications according to the principles of ethics and integritySustainability Strategy [33] - Antares Vision Group12.8 Ensure that everyone, all over the world, has information and awareness about sustainable development and a lifestyle in harmony with nature
Data security and privacyCreate a roadmap to strengthen direct control of the Group’s digital infrastructureSustainability Strategy [34] - Antares Vision Group
Suppliers: supply chain sustainabilityExtension and administration of the supplier monitoring questionnaire on ESG aspects to the Group’s strategic suppliersSustainability Strategy [33] - Antares Vision Group
12.2 Achieve sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources

12.4 Achieve eco-friendly management of chemicals and all waste during their entire life cycle and significantly reduce their release into the air, water and soil to minimise their negative impact on human health and the environment
Economic performanceGenerate higher efficiency in intercompany commercial transactions to ensure greater financial sustainability 

Establishment of a Sustainability Committee chaired by the CEO and composed of top functions, representatives of the Board and extended to external companies (ESG Management Board) with the task of monitoring the achievement of ESG objectives through periodic meetings and through the appointment of Champions and local ESG Committees
Sustainability Strategy [34] - Antares Vision Group8.3 Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, the creation of decent jobs, entre-preneurship, creativity and
Ethics and integrity in business managementDissemination of the Global Anti-Corruption Policy to all Group companies

ERM (Enterprise Risk Management) process structuring and integration of ESG issues (risks and opportunities)

Drafting and adoption of a Group Code of Ethics
Sustainability Strategy [44] - Antares Vision Group16.5 Reduce all forms of corruption and bribery

16.7 Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels.
Innovation, research and developmentMaintenance and development of collaborations (partnerships) with start-ups, companies, consortia, innovation hubs, university institutions and public and private research centres for the development of solutions capable of improving the solutions offers and their ability to generate positive social and environmental impacts (LIGHT project – Robin AI).Sustainability Strategy [45] - Antares Vision Group

17.17 Encourage and promote effective partnerships in the public sector, between public and private sectors and in civil society, building on the experience of partnerships


Impatti di business

  • Commitment and contribution driven by the impacts of the business (products and solutions)
Sustainability Strategy [46] - Antares Vision Group

Commitment / organisational and relational areas

  • Commitment to promote positive social effects, greater effectiveness of activities and achievement of business objectives (enabling factors)
Sustainability Strategy [47] - Antares Vision Group


AV Group constantly performs research and development aimed at the innovation of the systems, solutions and services that it offers and creating new technological solutions to be included in its commercial catalogue, also thanks to t

he integration of inspection systems and artificial intelligence solutions into its range and the DIAMIND ecosystem (for managing production data in order to improve efficiency).